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Andy Fontana with the Leica BLK2GO

Top 5 Q&As from SPAR 3D Mobile Mapping Webinar with Andy Fontana

By Andy Fontana


A few weeks ago, I was honored to take part in a webinar with SPAR 3D about Mobile Mapping, and I presented the brand new BLK2GO. You can access the webinar for free anytime here. I wish we would have had more time to answer some of the questions that came in during the call, but I’ve chosen the top 5 most interesting questions and answered them below.  

Q: ­Which use cases have you seen that are emerging or growing rapidly on the new trends/computing power/approaches with SLAM?­ 

A: I've seen a lot of progress with general location scouting across multiple industries. With the advances in computers and integrations with real-time visualization engines (like Unreal Engine), it is extremely quick and easy to scan a location and view the data in VR. You can even send a small file to anyone around the world and they can view this site as if they were there.  

Q: ­Difficulties reducing scan to ACAD/REVIT file?­ 

A: You might have seen from my presentation, but we have a new integration with PointFuse that makes converting your point cloud to a fully 3D BIM model extremely easy. It actually does most of the modeling and classification for you. Then you can import your model directly to Revit® and all of the hard work is done.  

Q: ­Are any of these devices and workflows suitable for unskilled, occasional, or casual users? In other words, can they be used in some form of 'idiot-proof' mode?­ 

A: Absolutely! The BLK2GO is extremely easy to use. It only has one button, and everything is very intuitive. You can check out this video HERE to see exactly what the scanning process looks like.   

Q: How long could one walk last? And how about georeferencing the point clouds from different walks?  

A: Because of the battery limitations, the maximum time you could walk and scan would be about 45-50 minutes. If you take multiple scans, you can combine or ‘register’ them together using a cloud-to-cloud registration method, or using targets and georeferencing methods.  

Q: ­Can the data merge with aerial drone captured LiDAR data?­ 

A:You can definitely register BLK2GO data to aerial LiDAR data. All you would need is some overlapping data between the two datasets, or at least 3 targets (or similar points) in both datasets. 

If you'd like to see more of the BLK2GO and other Leica scanners, software, or workflows, please feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn or Instagram